Friday, February 6, 2009

just some words

so i heard someone quote diane arbus and the words have been stuck in my head since then. approximately she said, " You almost never take the photograph you intend to take. It is either better or worse." So what does anyone think of this?? i happen to find the quote rather interesting and it speaks to an issue that i continually deal with and that is that what is rendered on the photographic plane never seems to be quite what i saw out there in the world. . . .does anyone else encounter this??

justin "not fit for print" fantl


Rachel Hubbard said...

I often find myself feeling this way. It usually goes like this: I visualize the photo I want to create in my head and when I go to shoot, I can never quite make it emulate the image in my head. And either I come up with an image that is WAY more interesting to me than the original idea or else it is completely disappointing. From here I either am satisfied or defeated and the process starts over again.

Anonymous said...

I find that immensely frustrating. That is one of the reasons why I like to go with the flow... meaning FIND my subject, let it guide me. Planning a photo shoot have never been very rewarding to me.
