Friday, February 6, 2009

In Between: New Project by Julia Fullerton-Batten

Julia Fullerton-Batten had such an impact on my photography. I'm sure you all remember PH609 Digital Photography's "Master Assignment". It's the one where you pick a photographer and try to shoot "in the style of" or try and recreate a few of their images. Well, Julia Fullerton-Batten was my chosen "Master Photographer". Her work really inspired me to explore more surreal, dreamy and playful imagery. 

I don't see as much similarities in our work as I used to, but I guess that's a good thing...I've learned from a great, experimented and came up with something I can call my own.  

The images above are from her latest series In Between. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Rachel Hubbard said...

These images remind me of Sam Taylor Wood's suspension series a little bit. Especially the first one with the wide open space and the big, bright window light. The differences are obviously the added elements to the space- i.e. the furniture.