Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Fantastic visual/sound installation.

From the description-
"an art installation currently on exhibition at the london science musueum that samples the text input from 1000's of public access chatroom and forums across the globe.. Listening Post allows you to experience an extraordinary snapshot of the internet and gain a great sense of the humanity behind the data."



Margo said...

the audio is so beautiful... the randomness in how we define ourselves through a keyboard. It'd be great to listen to on my ipod on the bart.

Anonymous said...

If you like that sort of sound on your Ipod, try "As Lonely as Dave Bowman" from the Projekt label.


charlie said...

this last video reminds me that we need to look at the faces/feel the energy of the people we communicate with...that words are often just the shit in-between and this age of technology is pretty sad in this vein of artificial communication.