Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I spoke with Kathryn MacDonald, our edu advisor about things we all would like to have improved upon with our edu websites. We had a long conversation, and she seemed really receptive to our concerns, which was great. 

We all have similar issues with our sites, so let's make a list of things we'd like to see changed! I'll start the list and feel free to agree, disagree, or add anything. Being told 'upgrade to the pro site' also doesn't solve the problem. Te point is we are paying for a product that we should be satisfied with. Are we supposed to be limited because we are 'students'?

- Type Options - Having one font choice per layout is just not OK. We are creative, visual people and the design of our sites is so important and personal... we need many more options here!! 

- Color Backgrounds - We should also have options here too. Why not have a color picker where you can choose any color you want? 

- The Thumbnail Sidebar - Some of us like it, some of us hate it. It overlaps the image and is bothersome to use. Again, all we're asking for here is the option of use, and be able to put in on bottom, left, right, etc. If we were able to customize our sites more, it wouldn't look like we all have the same site! 

- Margo

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